There is Hope!
We come alongside women who are struggling after experiencing crisis, trauma and abuse and show them there is hope for victory over the past and hope for the future. We help women embrace the story God is writing through their journey of life. Through mentoring relationships, group discipleship and biblical counseling wounded hearts are transformed. Through our Beads for Hope program women come together to create beautiful jewelry creations to bless women in crisis. Baskets of Hope is a program that ministers to individuals in shelters offering comfort and encouragement. Our mission includes equipping and providing opportunities for the Church to minister to struggling women and show them THERE IS HOPE!
Are you seeking hope? Contact us today to learn more about:
Lynne’s Story
“I can remember how hopeless I felt. I didn’t care if I lived or died. My life was a mess, the whole world seemed like a mess. Although I grew up going to church, I really didn’t know who God was and how He worked in people’s lives. But someone cared enough to tell me about Jesus. The name says it all, THERE IS HOPE!”
There Is Hope! Client Samantha wrote offering thanks and gratitude.
Thank you for the new life that you have given my children and me. If it were not for this ministry I would more likely be dead and my children would be motherless and living with an abusive father. I am truly grateful for the ability to become the woman that God created me to be. I could never have imagined this life for my family one year ago and did not even think that it was possible for me. But through trust in God I have overcome obstacles that I never thought I could. I am a completely different woman in Christ than I was a year ago. I am so grateful that out of your love and kindness you were here to help my children and me and that God called upon you to help women and children like us.
Sincerely, Samantha